News and updates

Within Stichting De Groentedeler, there is plenty to do every single day. We prepare the harvest in the garden, we inform and inspire companies and individuals, we collect donations and keep in touch with Voedselbank Leiden. Would you like to stay informed about our activities with news and updates? Subscribe to our newsletter, follow us on socials, or keep an eye on this page.

Paula bij Voedselbank Leiden

Nutritious food for everyone!

Fresh vegetables, a welcome addition in nutritious foods for Voedselbank Leiden Paula van Kesteren, former board member of Voedselbank Leiden:…

Mariska aan het werk bij Zelfoogsttuin Bij Mei

Discover Zelfoogsttuin Bij Mei!

A vision for green, sustainability and connection The vegetables grown and harvested for Stichting De Groentedeler are grown at Zelfoogsttuin…


World Earth Day

A day to reflect on everything Mother Earth has to offer As a horticultural advisor and board member of Stichting…

Vrijwilligers De Groentedeler

Are you ready to harvest?

Start as a volunteer of Stichting De Groentedeler! A new season has started at Zelfoogsttuin Bij Mei. This means the…