Take the next step on behalf of Stichting De Groentedeler

Step into the new year - Jaar uitlopen Movemeant

Entering the new year by taking conscious steps

Support Stichting De Groentedeler by joining the inspirational audio walks offered by Movemeant. By listening to the audio’s, you are invited to contemplate on every step you take. Guides by Marit, you will consciously look back on the steps you’ve taken in the past year and the ones you want to take in the new year. You can walk at your own schedule, pace and location. While you are doing so, €5 of each contribution will be donated to Stichting De Groentedeler.


How to take the next step

When you sign up for the walks, you will receive an email with the link to the audio’s, which allows you to embark on your journey. In addition to the link, you will receive an online workbook. This enables you to review the questions from the walks and start with some additional assignments to help you develop even more insights.

On Wednesday, December 27th, you will receive the audio’s to conclude the year, and on Monday, January 1st, you will receive audio’s to start the new year. All you need is headphones or earphones, a charged phone, and a notepad with a pen. It is up to you to decide when and where to walk. The audio’s will be available throughout the entire month of January.

Movemeant and Stichting De Groentedeler

These audio walks were developed by Marit Nieboer – Klapwijk. Having learned to walk again for the third time, she now coaches and guides people in taking conscious and meaningful steps. She believes it is very helpful to take your time to reflect because we often tend to overlook the things that truly matter.

Marit is a regular to our foundation. She was involved in the initial steps of the ‘De Groentedeler’ project from Ekklesia Leiden. This is the second year she organizes the audio walks as a meaningful way to contribute. Last year, her initiative was a success. With 70 people participating, enabling us to provide one family with fresh and healthy vegetables weekly in 2023.


Do you want to join?

You can find more information about these walks at: hetjaaruitlopen 23-24 – Movemeant.