Bring healthy food to families at Voedselbank Leiden!

Everyone deserves healthy nutrition. By 2024, we aim to grow 10,000 portions of healthy vegetables for the 1,600 people who depend on Voedselbank Leiden. Together, we can grant them access to the essential nutrition they may otherwise go without. Are you ready to help?

Whether you prefer to make a one-time donation, provide monthly support, or opt for annual contributions, you can do so through our website.


What we can do with your donation:

Provide a green start

Every contribution, big or small, helps! For only €10.00 you can support a family with fresh vegetables for 2 to 3 days. If you can afford it, consider donating this amount monthly. That would be a fantastic help for all costumers of Voedselbank Leiden!

The fresh vegetables kick-start

With a contribution of €50.00, you can help a family get fresh vegetables for a month. This gift makes sure that they can enjoy a more varied diet throughout the season, providing them with sufficient nutritional value.

The annual vegetable celebration

Help a family enjoy healthy and nutritious vegetables for an entire season with a donation of €330.00 per year. With this contribution, they can savor freshly harvested organic vegetables directly from the garden for approximately 30 weeks.


Other ways to help

If you cannot afford such an amount but still want to help, consider organizing a fundraising event. There have already been collections in churches all over Leiden, as well as a dedicated theater performance and several people have requested Groentedeler donations as their birthday gift. You too can contribute by finding a creative way to support Stichting De Groentedeler!


Become a volunteer

In addition to harvesting the best vegetables, we seek connections with each other and our environment. We try to make a difference by working together and raising awareness about healthy nutrition and the growth processes of food during the season. You too can experience this as a volunteer. Come and assist us during the harvest, to see how the vegetables are received by the grateful volunteers of Voedselbank Leiden.